Our Services

Individual Nutritional Plan

Most individuals begin with this program as it creates a foundation to build beneficial habits and fulfill health goals. The 5 Foundations of Focus include: Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Sleep, Stress, and a Nutrient Dense Diet centered on whole food nutrition. Also included is addressing the added dimensions of emotional, spiritual & energetic support.

During our one-on-one sessions conducted either in-person or via video call, we discuss specific concerns regarding dietary habits.

  • The initial 90 minute, in-depth consultation reviews a detailed Food and Mood Journal (5-day), a comprehensive Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ), health concerns and goals.

  • A 50-minute initial follow-up recommendations visit. In collaboration with the client, a series of manageable nutritional, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations are provided. These will be discussed and changed as necessary to fit your needs.

  • Frequency of follow-up sessions vary depending on your needs, but expect weekly to biweekly 15-30 minute check-in sessions the first month, which will reduce in frequency and time after the initial month. The reduction in frequency shows your success in implementing your recommendations and seeing improvements!

  • Additional NAQs are provided during or at the end of the program to track progress and celebrate achievements.

  • Unlimited access to text and email support throughout length of program.

  • Because there are no quick fixes, the minimum commitment is 3 months with many individuals opting to continue services for 6 months to a year or more.

Picky Eater Plan (PEP)

The Picky Eater Plan (PEP) is designed specifically for children aged 12 and under, with the primary objective of fostering their interest in nutrition, introducing them to a diverse array of foods, and cultivating healthy habits that are appropriate for their developmental stage. This comprehensive approach not only encourages children to explore new flavors and textures, but also empowers them to make informed dietary choices that benefit their overall well-being.

The comprehensive initial consultation is up to 90 minutes with parent(s)/guardian(s) and child present (either virtual or in-person). At this time, we discuss the initial Food and Mood Journal (5-day), an age appropriate Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, and the primary reason(s) for seeking guidance from a NTP. Collaboratively, we will discuss the parent and child’s goals. After review of the child’s needs, a 50 minute follow-up recommendations visit is conducted where recommendations for nutrition, lifestyle, and potentially supplement support, are provided. These will be discussed and changed as necessary.

Frequency of follow-up sessions are catered to the needs of the child, but expect a minimum of two per month in order to adapt recommendations. Unlimited access to text and email support for the length of the program is also provided.

This is a highly specialized plan catered specifically to the needs of each child. Frequent adjustments to recommendations are expected and not uncommon. Heavy parental involvement is necessary, especially with meal preparations and adherence to recommendations and appointments. Implementing these suggestions requires cooperation between the child and parent. Force, manipulation, or bribery of the child is not acceptable and is not within the philosophy of this practice.

Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Certified Coaching with Individual Nutritional Plan

Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Certified Coaching in combination with an Individual Nutritional Program creates a holistic approach to tackling complex autoimmune issues.

The AIP protocol is arranged in two primary phases: Elimination and Reintroduction of particular foods. The Elimination phase lasts, on average, 90 days. Depending on individual autoimmune symptoms, this time frame may be shorter or significantly longer. During this time Elimination of particular foods is strictly adhered to.

Reintroduction only occurs when both the client and practitioner feel it is appropraite. Reintroduction is a slow and steady process with only one food from the Elimination phase reintroduced at a time.

Incorporation of an effective AIP protocol is extremely bio-individual, meticulous, and a deliberate process, but one that frequently results in marked improvements in autoimmune symptoms.


Sometimes a bit of information and guidance regarding nutrition and lifestyle topics may be beneficial for making small (or big) changes in a wellness journey. With Education, you get to choose the exact focus of the meeting.

The sessions are 50-Minutes and are excellent for families or couples who want to make changes as a group.

Education and information provided is not catered or specific to any one individual. Education is general knowledge and recommendations are applicable to many. At each Education session, a topic-specific handout is provided; you are encouraged to take detailed notes during the meeting.

Please inquire for education topics or if you are interested in learning more about a particular subject.